written by Ashling O’ Connor. Ashling (she/her) is a student in UCD. She writes when she’s feeling stressed or pessimistic or trying to avoid college work. It’s basically her equivalent of writing in a diary.

he walked onto a stage already set

a tiny flat, complete with woman and

child, who objects both open and loud

and doesn’t want to play

given every sign, and order, to leave

he stays. deserts a comfortable life

for move-out boxes and late dinners,

after shifts needed to pay for the family

which they become. a life he never planned,

but would have followed her anywhere.

he sees her beauty, but boasts of her brains

and recounts tales from their many years

holding hands through the south of france,

around the world, and now across

a hospital bed. his heart lays there with her,

each second apart is pained. and he waits

for her to come home.

Image: Untitled 1 by Jason Daly

Jason (he/him) has been doing visual art of some kind since the age of 2, and has recently in his life been interested in songwriting and poetry.