My Father’s Brother, King of the Sea

by Maria Sheehan (she/her)

Photography by Silje-Marie Svendsen.

Perched on a rock at the harbour 

Gulls screeching overhead 

My sadness for him engulfs 


Memories of my king of the sea 

Seep thru my veins  

And cloud my tears 

Rock a Bill lighthouse is just across the water 

Its dark mystery and charm suck me in once more 

I walk to the back of the harbour 

Dodging the slimy green mush 

I sit on the steep stony steps 

Where we fished for mackerel 

Slippery and salty 

Fisherman’s caskets all rusty and battered 

Coloured fishing boats 

Red, yellow and blue 

Ropes tying them down 

No ropes can tie him now 

My father’s brother 

Has vanished in death 

A ship passes Lambay Island 

Its mast on the blue horizon 

It vanishes as I watch 

But its not gone 

It’s simply out of sight 

Perhaps this is it 

We are all just passers by 

My father’s brother has passed 

And so, has his ship 

My King of the Sea! 

Maria Sheehan

Maria Sheehan has been writing since childhood and her dream is to write full time. Life has been busy, but she is hoping to spend a lot of time over this next chapter of life giving time to her passion. Maria has written a number of short stories, poems, and memoirs and she is currently ghost writing a book for a man aged 90 with a fascinating story. She is inspired by nature, in particular the sea, as she grew up by the harbour in Rush, Co. Dublin. Maria belongs to Drogheda Creative Writers, where the vast variety of people and their work nourish her soul.

CategoriesIssue V