By Ailish NicPhaidin
Photo by Aoibh Ni Bhradaigh
He smiled at me
Pa Rum Pa Pum Pum
Set upon the Hill
Amid the rubble and the rabble
To spread the love of cherish
And water down the churlish.
Today He denied the loneliness
That spreads across the homeless
In a letter of honor and worth
The value of mankind in a basket
After the carnage and multiple jabs
To sever the munitions from the mountains
Beneath the overhanging eaves
To everlasting smallness
In a death of rebirth
Attention and mention
In the best page in the Book
of Life
Pa Rum Pa Pum Pum
Abundantly you and my drum.
Ailish NicPhaidin
Ailish NicPhaidin was born in Rathmullan, Co. Donegal, and has lived in several countries. She emigrated to the U.S. (Florida) in 1997 with her then 9-year-old daughter, Alannah. She began writing poetry over thirty years ago and has had several published, has been a short-listed finalist in the Oprelle competition, and won a 3rd place award for “I Want To Pee”. It’s been a ghostly and giddy ride. It’s also been a ride filled with wonder and learning.